Monday, October 3, 2011

Yarn Dyeing

This summer my colleagues and I took an escapade into dyeing our own yarn with Kool-Aid and Wilton dyes. The results were fantastic!

T used only orange Kool-Aid, and Wilton's Cornflower Blue. The orange came out bright and vibrant. The blue came out dynamic with purple mixed into it.

S used a mixture of green and blue, and then threw in a bit of cornflower once she saw it brought out purple. Her result is a beautiful green which invokes an enchanted forest.

I used a mixture of strawberry Kool-Aid with pink Wilton's dye and purple Kool-Aid with purple Wilton's dye. I was ecstatic with the result. It ended up more pink than purple once knitted up, but I love the projects I made with it. The yarn we all dyed was Knit Picks' Wool of the Andes Bare.

I used up one skein to make Ysolda Teague's Ripley and tante ehm's Camp Out Fingerless Mitts. I still have another skein left which I will make a scarf or cowl with.

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