I tried my hand at dyeing yarn again this weekend. This time with Wilton's food dye. The result was interesting, and the colour split up quite a lot. It came out purple, pink and blue! I'm going to use it to knit up
Goodale Sweater.
The formula:
- Knit Picks Peruvian Highland Wool in Fingering
- Wilton's Violet Icing Dye
- Vinegar
Steps I took:
- Soaked the yarn in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes.
- Heated up a full pot of water on high (electric stove). When steam began rising, I turned it down to 4 and put in the yarn.
- Let the water heat back up with the yarn in it.
- Mixed about 1/2 teaspoon (heaping) of Violet to about 1 cup boiling water.
- Added the dye to the pot.
- Left to simmer on 4 for about 20-30 minutes.
- Poured in 1 cup of vinegar.
- Watched the magic happen.
- When the water came out on a spoon clear, I made the mistake to empty the pot of water. I should have let the water and yarn cool together.
- Let the yarn cool without its water.
- Rinsed. No colour ran!!
- Hung to dry.